Thursday, June 9, 2011

I'm channeling my inner Samuel Jackson...

This morning started like any other.....

I got the girls ready, led them to the basement and out the garage, ran them up to the bus stop, came back - again through the basement - went upstairs, got my coffee, let the dogs in, locked up and once again made my way down the basement steps to the garage and my car. 

About three steps down I noticed something that wasn't there five minutes before....


Is that.......?

(that's what I screamed at the TOP of my lungs for, oh...60 seconds or so)

I HATE snakes.....

It wasn't moving and had lots of lumps.  Was it dead?  Was it just resting?

I had no idea what to do.

So I took a picture of it.

Sorry it's so far away and blurry but I felt that standing on the top basement step while screaming and shaking was a MUCH better idea than actually getting closer to it.

My brother and mom came up about ten hours later.

OK,  so it was only like 15 minutes but it FELT like ten hours and by this point I was almost hyperventilating.

By this time the snake had decided I was freaking HIM out and he was on the move.

He moved right behind my fridge and freezer we keep in the basement.
(I have a ridiculous amount of freezers and refrigerators.  Seriously.)

We (and by "we" I mean my mom with her cane and my brother - I felt it was my job to sit on the steps rocking and sucking my thumb) chased him down and cornered him behind the freezer.  Brandon even got a hold of him with some clamp thingy and


....he slithered out and disappeared.

Right into the back of the freezer where the motor is.

That's right people, I have a snake in my freezer.

And I can't get it out.


Connie in Hartwood said...

Sweetheart, the snake won't hurt you. He looks like a black snake, and he's there to check out the place and keep mice under control.

A Raven's doormat???

Kelly@TearingUpHouses said...

AHHH!!! No! What in the hell is going on over there?!


p.s. On the other hand, you could be the first mother I know to serve snake pops? Just an idea...

Deb said...

Connie, my rational side knows that its not going to hurt me - unfortunately my emotional side says "ACK! GET THE HELL OUT!!!" I really wouldn't mind if its down there eating mice and stuff,so long as I don't know about it, see it or see any evidence of its existence. Seriously - it creeps me out {shudder}

Kelly - I KNOW RIGHT????

andrea frazer said...

I think secretly you love him. Get a cage and put him in your dining room. You can paint him so rustic color and do before and after photos.