Well, my classes don't start until August, but seeing as how I've got "freak-out parenting" down pat, pass me a Corona. I'll ship you some limes. :) (Thanks for your comment, by the way.... I know it'll all even out in the end, but why do I feel so darn bad in the meantime?)
Well, my classes don't start until August, but seeing as how I've got "freak-out parenting" down pat, pass me a Corona. I'll ship you some limes. :) (Thanks for your comment, by the way.... I know it'll all even out in the end, but why do I feel so darn bad in the meantime?)
Glug, glug, glug, ahhh, Corona, you are a friend of mine. Hee! hee!
2 classes
2 weeks
No sweat. . . you got the right stuff!
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