Friday, April 8, 2011


My mama comes home from the hospital today - yay!!  She'll have PT (Paint & Torture to those who have gone through it)  at home the next few weeks and a long recovery after that.   But she's already up and walking around and is doing really well.  I'm so proud of her!

In other news, I bought the paint for the sitting room and hallway last night after I left the hospital and put the first coat on the sitting room walls. 

Color me tired today. 

The goal is to get the rooms painted by tomorrow so that we can lay the new flooring which is now residing with the two tons of other crap in the girls playroom (which they lost a few weeks back due to the fact that it was a complete pig sty, they "cleaned up" byt shoving everything into corners and I completely lost my mind and went in and claened it myself.  I don't want it messed up again - which is stupid, I know.)

By Sunday I should have 90% of the painting done and the flooring should be started.

Easter is two weeks away!  We just might make it.....


Kim @ NewlyWoodwards said...

Yay! I can't wait to see the painting.

Life in Rehab said...

Hurray for Mom coming home! Hurray for the painting and flooring! And here's hoping it's all done by Easter!

If not, hide the eggs in the playroom. That'll fix the girls.