Monday, May 19, 2008

Recital 2008

Well, it's come and gone......

First Sydney on Saturday (sorry about the dark flash allowed and I haven't used a manual camera in so long now that I have my Rebel! Completely forgot how to change my shutter speed and ISO!)

After Sydney's recital we had a late birthday party for Sydney at the house. Lots of good food, lots of good friends, lots of kids running around like Banshees, and lots of sitting outside on the deck, talking, laughing, drinking beer and generally having a great time. I have the greatest friends in the world!

And then Olivia on Sunday......she's front and center...and dad changed my camera settings, so this one looks a little better! Thanks Dad!

1 comment:

Bethann said...

Yep, two beautiful girls who look nothing like each other and look a lot like their parents. Isn't biology weird?!?! Jacob looks like John, and Johnathan, while I see a lot of me in him, there's also a health dose of Campbell genes in there too. I can see the same with you, the girls and Brian. Olivia is Mini-Debbie and Sydney has a good mix of both of you guys. Ah, Science!