Sunday, April 25, 2010


The benefit concert for Beth & Ciana was incredibly successful. We raised nearly $17,000.00 yesterday, on top of the $5,000 we already had in ticket sales.

That's $22,000 towards Beth and Ciana's medical bills.

Not too shabby for an event that was put together in 8 weeks two people who have never done anything like this before.

My friend Tim, who has now become a member of the family, has an amazing heart and put so much time and energy into this event. His generosity is unlimited. The two of us made a great team.

And since everyone asked us when the next concert would be, I have a feeling this will become an annual event.

The auction was amazing. Erik, the auctioneer, did an incredible job (and helped us so much with the benefit - he's become a great friend). The bidders raising their hands, the guys in the crowd cheering people on, the whoops of joy when someone would win a bid - it was awesome.....

Although most of yesterday was a huge blur, two things from the auction stand out in my mind. One of the people helping with the concert - a very good friend that I've known for more than 20 years - bought this picture of Ciana at the auction for $500.

I cried.

Olivia's donated piece of artwork was auctioned off by moi - yup, that's right, I got to auction it off. Erik told me he was going to make me do it and I was nervous - but once I started and the bid got higher I really got into it!!

My baby girls donation alone brought in $450. Yes, you read that right - $450. Beth's brother and sister in law were in a bidding war with my mom and dad for it and were the eventual winners.

The best part though? They walked over to my mom and gave it to her.

I cried.
(Do you see a trend here?)

And I have to tell you how proud I am of myself too. Know why?

I had to get up twice to speak, thank everyone, send some shout outs to all the people that helped, etc., etc.

I didn't cry. Either time.
(Almost - but I held it in. I'm very proud of myself !)

It was such a wonderful day.

And today I'm paying for it with a sore throat and a fever.
(And the post-event celebratory drinks I had aren't helping either- ha!)

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