Saturday, December 4, 2010

3 x 40 = 120 years of FABULOUS!

So what do three friends do to celebrate three 40th birthdays and 28 years of friendship?

They leave their husbands and kids at home and go for a three hour gourmet dinner and reflect on how much fun they've since they met as 12 year olds.

Nora and Harmony before we left

Nora, Betsy & I met in seventh grade when I was a very confused and lonely girl. We had just moved here from New England and I knew no one......

Somehow, these two became my best friends and a constant presence in my life ever since.

We've been through growing pains, driver's licenses, first loves, breakups, college, our wild years, car accidents, first apartments, deaths, marriages, doubts, pregnancies (all three of us at the same time!), births, months standing by each other's side in the NICU praying for a good outcome (there was) , lots of crying and lots of laughter.

People are often amazed that we are still so close. You'd be hard pressed to find three more different people. We represent the left, the middle and the right - in many ways - and if you met us and spent time with us, you'd be able to see exactly what I mean and where each of us falls.

There's an easy camaraderie when you've known each other for this long. There's really no pressure. We don't feel the need to talk the entire three hour dinner, but you know what? We did - ha! We laughed, we bitched, we rolled eyes, and we laughed some more.

I love these ladies and look forward to the next 28 years of friendship.

On our way to Volt

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